Pete Zahut
JoinedPosts by Pete Zahut
JWs on campus
by Sarabethy init's my first time on this site though i am no stranger in the ex-jw community.
i come to you now asking for your assistance in what to present to the dean of students at my university.. why am i meeting with dean of students, you may ask?
because today, while innocently finishing an assignment in the school library, i happened to look out the window and see the jws with their stupid little cart.
Pete Zahut
This is a link to other discussions about the Watchtowers stance on Higher Education where you might be able to obtain printable information to show the Dean.
It may be helpful if you are able to demonstrate to him or her that the Watchtower organization tends to "bash" institutions of higher education and even go so far as to punish their elders if they have young ones living in their household who are attending University. Public Surveys reveal that JW's have low education levels compared to other religions.
Selling off their London Properties.
by Lost in the fog inhaving sold off their brooklyn properties for $$$$ the watchtower society is doing the same thing with their properties in london, england.
. .
Pete Zahut
I'm guessing that will leave a lot of Bethelites out of a job, including old ones who've spent the better part of their lives there.
Still alive and kicking
by Jourles inhowdy everyone!
just wanted to pop in and say hi to all the old timers and the new.
i can't believe i've been a member of this site for 18 years now.
Pete Zahut
I can't believe I've been a member of this site for 18 years now.
18 years later and Armageddon is still "right around the corner".
R & B Soul on
by silentbuddha ini remember getting my ass beat .
in 1987 / 1988 for listening to atlantic star.
they had a song called always.. my mother sat me down anmd told me listening to music like that would just rile up my emotions and make me look for a girl to fornicate with.. like at the age of 10 i was going to take it to that level.. my mother later banned r and b from our home.... i find it all hilarious now, but a friend of mine actually sent me a link to the jw broadcast and said i had to watch this.. i told him there was no way, but he said just start at the 50:40 mark.. i do not believe that this is what the org is doing now???.
R & B Soul on
by silentbuddha ini remember getting my ass beat .
in 1987 / 1988 for listening to atlantic star.
they had a song called always.. my mother sat me down anmd told me listening to music like that would just rile up my emotions and make me look for a girl to fornicate with.. like at the age of 10 i was going to take it to that level.. my mother later banned r and b from our home.... i find it all hilarious now, but a friend of mine actually sent me a link to the jw broadcast and said i had to watch this.. i told him there was no way, but he said just start at the 50:40 mark.. i do not believe that this is what the org is doing now???.
R & B Soul on
by silentbuddha ini remember getting my ass beat .
in 1987 / 1988 for listening to atlantic star.
they had a song called always.. my mother sat me down anmd told me listening to music like that would just rile up my emotions and make me look for a girl to fornicate with.. like at the age of 10 i was going to take it to that level.. my mother later banned r and b from our home.... i find it all hilarious now, but a friend of mine actually sent me a link to the jw broadcast and said i had to watch this.. i told him there was no way, but he said just start at the 50:40 mark.. i do not believe that this is what the org is doing now???.
Pete Zahut
So many cliche's , subliminal messages and stereotypes :
The couple is Black so naturally the background music playing is what's stereotypically thought of as black music.
They go on an outing in the woods and naturally there is a crowd of other people along to make sure nothing unscriptural happens.
After the wedding the wife begins waiting on the husband by bringing him a drink as he carries things into their house.
He takes the lead by studying the daily text.
Wife is in the kitchen with an apron on baking cookies and the husband boyishly steals a cookie and of course she thinks it cute because he's her sole reason for living.
The Husband works on car in clean clothes and shows silly unmechanical wife how to use a socket wrench because there's no way she'd have any idea how a car works because only wonderful men like her husband, know about technical things like that.
The Husband bakes a cake and it looks like it was made by an 8 year old. He presents it to her like a little boy would and it's even more endearing and special because we all know, men are clods when it comes to doing anything domestic.
They study with a "worldly couple" and we can tell they aren't JW's because their house is dingy and and cluttered, the woman is wearing pants and the man has a moustache, long hair and even has a afro pick stuck in it (1:55).
The wife sits in the audience and looks admiringly at her husband as he gives a talk at the Kingdom Hall thus we know he has some kind of position is highly regarded and therefore is the ideal husband.
The Husband surprises the wife with a beautiful picnic complete with a matching flower arrangement and looks like it was laid out by Martha Stuart. He obviously picked up a few domestic skills over the years.
There were no children shown earlier in the video but a little girl shows up at the end of the video for some reason and because she is white, we know she's probably not their Grandaughter since they likely held off having children of their own. It shows us that the wife has her maternal instincts fulfilled by helping other peoples children and it also shows us that she is balanced and has dealings with people of other races.
The opening scene in the follow up video is at the husbands memorial service and the wife is wondering why the new system didn't arrive and how she's going to get by without his income since they didn't have any retirement savings and he was still working. She wishes she wouldn't have held off having a family until the "new system" so that she'd now have grown children and grandchildren to comfort her in her old age.
The secret fears - did you have any?
by days of future passed ini think many jw's have secret fears in common, but don't often voice them.
it's too bad because then they might wonder why?.
for instance, one day at work while i was talking to one of the witness ladies, (on her belief of some bible proof of the last days) she suddenly lowered her voice.
Pete Zahut
I was afraid that I'd fail during Armageddon.
My biggest childhood fear was that "they" would capture me and say that if I didn't renounce Jehovah, they'd torture my little sisters." I didn't even know who "they" was but I was positive that all JW's were going to be tortured or beaten.
I was about 11 years older so I was very protective of my little sisters and remember knowing that I could never let anyone hurt them so I'd probably die at Armegeddon for "giving in". This was very real to me and it kept me awake at night trying to devise a plan in my mind of how I would escape.
I also remember as a kid, there was an experience read from the platform about the JW's in Russia who were stripped naked and marched out in front of everyone in the village. They were made to kneel down in the snow and every so often someone would throw a bucket of cold water on them.
I can't even remember how the story turned out but I was sure that I was going to be marched through the streets naked and all the kids at school would be jeering and laughing.
Later, when I had 2 boys of my own, I made sure to shield them from such information but my childhood worries continued only this time they were about how I was going to get my own boys through the "Great Tribulation" and not renounce my faith if anyone tried to hurt them.
They are now grown and I'm a Grandpa. I would have been nice to have had a childhood free of such concerns. It would have been nice to have enjoyed my own children without sometimes regretting having brought them into the world to face the inevitable fate of the Great Tribulation and Armageddon.
What Is The Most Ridiculous Thing You Have Heard From A Witness?
by minimus ini remember an elder questioning a woman who had admitted to giving and receiving oral sex from her unbelieving mate.
he asked her the most intimate questions which clearly flustered her.
interestingly, she “confessed “ to the elders because her conscience bothered her.
Pete Zahut
I remember back around 1974 when everyone was expecting Armageddon to arrive at any minute, the 40 something father of my friend Eddy, raised his hand during the Watchtower study and said:
" I read an article the other day that said scientists are noticing lately there's been an unexplainable increase in the populations among birds of prey this past year. We know that this is happening because after Armageddon they will be needed to help clean up the bodies of all those who have been destroyed".
The Watchtower Study Conductor paused for a long time, sighed and then said reluctantly:
" Well that's just not true, so lets remember keep our comments based strictly on the material in the paragraph".The Kingdom Hall seemed to go silent, you could have heard a pin drop. Up to that point, I had never heard anyone's answer being corrected. I stole a glance over to where he was sitting and his face was flushed and frozen and he was staring intently into his raised Watchtower to avoid looking at anyone. My friend Eddy and his brother were doing their best to stifle their laughter.
What is the strangest book or craziest book the JWs have ever printed?
by blownaway inwhat do you think the crazies or strangest book they ever printed is?.
Pete Zahut
I don't know which book was the craziest but the weirdest titles were on those lime green books from the 60's entitled "Things In Which It Is Imposible for God To Lie" and the one entitled "The Nations Shall Know That I Am Jehovah....How?"
The both had titles that seemed like non sequitiurs to me. It was strange to present them at the doors....couldn't imagine what people must have thought when some little kid with a tie presented these to them at their door early on a Saturday morning